School Improvement Priorities
School improvement is a process whereby we seek to ensure that Patcham Junior School remains an excellent school and we continue to develop the provision for the children who attend.
our key objectives are:
Ensure pupils, particularly the most able, make as much progress as they should.
Ensure all teachers have the highest expectations of pupils’ work and ensure that all work is well presented and of the highest quality.
Ensure all teachers use checks on pupils’ learning quickly and adjust the work set during lessons.
Disadvantaged pupils are well supported, engaged and achieving at least as well as non-disadvantaged pupils nationally.
Assessment is being used accurately to inform teaching and track progress in maths, reading and writing.
Pupils with Special Educational Needs are flourishing, have the correct support to make good progress and enjoy learning.
Pupils achieve well in writing, making good progress throughout the school.
Pupils are able to spell effectively in all subject areas.
Pupils enjoy mathematical reasoning and are able to apply excellent arithmetic skills in a wide variety of contexts.
Pupils enjoy reading for pleasure and have excellent comprehension skills.
Pupils are inspired to think and work scientifically through an exciting curriculum and learning opportunities.
Culture and the arts continue to underpin the curriculum and the learning that happens at PJS. All pupils develop their creative talents in a wide variety of forms.
All pupils learn about, enjoy and engage in sport and physical activity.
Children have an understanding and respect of differences and celebrate individuality.
Children understand British values and demonstrate them in their everyday interactions.
Pupils feel safe and happy in school and that bullying continues to be extremely rare.
Pupils are programming with confidence to create a variety of outcomes.
Pupils develop character traits of grit, resilience and growth mindset, tackling challenges with a positive attitude.
All members of the school community aware of the vital importance of safeguarding and proactive in ensuring all pupils are safe.
Opportunities to walk, cycle and scoot to school are maximized and developed.