At Patcham Junior School, equality and respect for diversity is central to our ethos. We believe that equality at our school should permeate all aspects of school life and is the responsibility of every member of the school and wider community. Every member of the school community should feel safe, secure, valued and of equal worth.
We welcome our responsibilities under the Equalities Act 2010 to:
- Foster good relations across all different groups
- Advance equality of opportunity to ensure achievement for every learner
- Eliminate discrimination
From September 2024 there are 340 pupils on role. These are arranged in 12 classes, 3 per year group, ranging in size up to 32. The majority of pupils enter Patcham Junior school from the neighbouring infant school (95%). The vast majority (>99%) live within one mile of the school.
Special Educational Needs
19.1% of our pupils are currently on the Special Educational Needs register and this has been steadily increasing over the years. The nature of need includes specific learning difficulties, autistic spectrum condition, moderate learning difficulties, hearing impairment, physical disability, emotional and behavioural difficulties and speech and language disorders.
Socio-economic backgrounds
Our pupils are mainly British, although the diversity within our school community is growing, with 15.2% from other cultural backgrounds. These children are from a range of groups, including white Asian, Caribbean and Bangladeshi, but there are no significantly large ethnic minority groups. There is significantly less ethnic diversity within our school community than is the case nationally.
The majority of our families (63.1%) are recorded as having “no religion”. The major faith group is Christian with 23% of the pupil population. We also have families who are part of most other major faiths, including Islam and Buddhism.
There has been an increase over the last four years, our pupils have a first language other than English - this is 8% of the school's population.
Currently 15.4% of our children are on Free School Meals, which is significantly below national averages, but rising in number.
15.2% of pupils are currently eligible to for Pupil Premium funding. The number of pupils eligible has risen each year for the past five, but this remains below the national average.
Attendance for the past three years has been consistently above local and national figures and has continued to improve. There is no significant variance in attendance between groups, although this is something we monitor carefully.
We have a number of children who are looked after or in guardianship arrangements or adopted compared with other similar schools and work closely with the virtual school to ensure these pupils are well supported and making good progress.
Children come from a variety of different backgrounds and may have gay siblings, uncles, godparents, parents or carers. Celebrating and acknowledging different families is crucial to make all children feel welcome and enable them to learn how to value those who are different or come from different backgrounds and families.
Please follow the links below to find further information on how we comply with the Equality Act 2010.
Advancing equality of opportunity
The work we continually do on improving the achievement of our disadvantaged pupils has been very successful and for the past three years they have attained significantly above the LA average in all areas. For example, in 2024, the number of disadvantaged children achieving the expected standard in reading, writing and maths was 15% above the LA average.
Due to the low numbers of children in each cohort with protected characteristics it is difficult to identify specific trends. Children with an ethnicity other than white British tend to do as well, if not better than children who are white British and year on year have achieved much higher than the school average attainment.
The school is mindful of national data that shows that children who have protected characteristics are likely to face greater challenges at school.
For example, Stonewall, the lesbian, gay and bisexual charity’s research shows:
“Homophobic bullying has a profoundly damaging impact on young people’s school experience. One in three (32 per cent) gay pupils experiencing bullying change their future educational plans because of it and three in five say it impacts directly on their school work.”
Fostering good relations
Equality forms a central part of many of our assembly themes. We celebrate key equalities ‘dates’ such as black history month, Women’s History and disability week. This is often through visiting speakers, or events and activities. We cover stories and celebrations from all major faiths and ensure that there is a balance across the year. We also challenge gender stereotyping.
We regularly raise money for a range of charities, which are chosen by our school council. We seek to cover local, national and international charities.
We organise playtimes and lunchtimes very carefully to ensure children can play and have fun safely. We are part of the playtime buddy scheme run by safetynet.