Patcham Junior School

Be curious, not judgemental


Ladies Mile Road, Patcham, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 8TA

01273 087513


“Patcham Junior School is a lovely school which promotes warmth, community spirit and most importantly every child’s individuality, through allowing children to feel safe and express themselves; giving them pride and confidence.”

“I cannot think of any way to improve the school!”

” I feel (my child) has had many great opportunities and has made great progress through being inspired. Thanks to all.”

Quotes from parent feedback, July 2016.

We believe that it is vital to form strong and positive relationships with the parents and carers of the pupils attending our school. We set out to do this in a number of ways, but primary through operating an ‘open door’ system. This means, at the end of the day, families always have the opportunity to pop in to talk to a teacher if they have any questions or concerns. If parents want a longer meeting, or an opportunity to discuss something at length, it always helps to book an appointment with us because we do have many meetings and tasks before and after school and we don’t like to offend! Families can contact the school office to arrange a meeting with any member of staff.

Families are able to attend formal consultation evenings with their child’s teacher in the autumn and spring terms and receive a full report in the summer. Newsletters are sent home regularly and a dedicated parents association organises school events to raise funds. There are also plenty of opportunities throughout the year to attend concerts, performances, sports occasions and so on. We are also bursting with parents who help in classrooms and around school on anything and everything. We feel that this truly captures the sense that our school is a community within a community. Their help is welcomed and the staff appreciates it greatly.

We are very keen on working with parents to improve our school. This year, following feedback, we have:

  • Implemented a range of new parent workshops, open afternoons and opportunities for parents to discuss key decisions

  • Included all new entrants in the buddy writing project

  • Improved our website and made information easier to find

  • Increased the amount of communication, for example more newsletters.

You have the right to expect the best service from us. We will try to provide that service with respect and dignity. In return we ask the same from all of our parents and carers. Further information can be found here:


Ofsted no longer send out questionnaires when they visit a school – instead they rely on parents using Parent View. This is an online questionnaire that takes a minute or so to complete. Please click on the link below: